Veterans’ Pathway to Business Success “Veterans’ Pathway” provides grants – that have no fees, no interest and no payback requirements – to combat Veterans of the war in Afghanistan or Iraq, who wish to start or grow their own business in the state of Florida.
Veterans’ Pathway is unique in that, through funding, we help our Veterans succeed in their professional endeavors which, in turn, provides stimulus to the Florida economy. One of the major objectives of the program is job creation for veterans. The average grant awarded is in the range of $2,500 – $15,000. Grants are accepted, reviewed and granted on a quarterly basis. The third quarter grant application cycle is now closed. Grant applications will be accepted again in the 1st quarter 2014 granting season which runs from January 1 to February 15.
The main requirements for receiving funding are for Veterans who:
- are combat veterans of the Afghanistan or Iraq war (military documentation required);
- have, or are eligible for, an honorable discharge as indicated on the DD214 submitted with the grant application;
- reside in Florida and can provide proof of residency; and
- present a detailed business plan for eventual approval by the Veterans’ Pathway Board of Directors.
Veterans’ Pathway conducts a thorough screening process to determine eligibility for grants. If the applicant does not meet Veterans’ Pathway eligibility requirements and/or grant criteria, a Small Business Administration (SBA) program, such as SCORE or The Small Business Development Center (SBDC), that can help the applicant, will be recommended so that they may re-apply.

Fred Pollino, a former Army Chief Warrant Officer and Chinook helicopter pilot was awarded a $40,000 grant from Veterans’ Pathway to Business Success to grow his Better Escalator Cleaning Company. Link to Palm Beach Post Story.